
What are the benefits of Arthrosamid treatment?

Simple – It is a simple out-patient procedure that means you can go home the same day.

Safe – Arthrosamid® is safe for intended use and is biocompatible which allows it to integrate with the tissues in your knee. The overall safety profile of the hydrogel has undergone two decades over of research and development with approximately 1,000,000 hydrogel units used for various indications in the body.

Sustained – In clinical trials, patients reported a reduction in their pain levels by Week 4 after their injection. The reduction in pain was sustained over 104 weeks. Arthrosamid® trials continue to follow patients for 5 years.

What is Arthrosamid®?

Arthrosamid® is a new type of treatment for knee osteoarthritis that offers you an effective alternative to the currently available therapies like steroid injections or knee replacement surgery. Based on an innovative non-biodegradable hydrogel technology, Arthrosamid® is 97.5% water with 2.5% being a cross linked polyacrylamide backbone. When injected into the knee Arthrosamid® cushions the joint and reduces pain, providing safe and sustained pain relief, all with one injection.

How does it work?

Arthrosamid® is an intra-articular polyacrylamide hydrogel injection (iPAAG) for the symptomatic treatment of knee osteoarthritis. Once injected into your knee joint cavity, it restores the consistency of your synovial fluid, the lubricating fluid in your knee, improving lubrication and cushioning of the joint. Arthrosamid® also integrates into the synovium or lining of your inner joint capsule creating a cushion-like effect and blocks the inflammation pathways that can cause knee pain.

Over 23 Years research and development
Over 1,000,000 Hydrogel Units administered worldwide
Arthrosamid is safe for intended use

What’s involved with Arthrosamid treatment?

Arthrosamid® treatment for knee osteoarthritis that is a minimally invasive out-patient procedure.

It is performed under local anaesthesia, with ultrasound guidance. Arthrosamid is injected into your joint. You do not need to stay in hospital for treatment.

What are the side effects of Arthrosamid?

Before you are given an Arthrosamid® injection, you will also have a local anaesthetic, which may sting a little, to numb the area around your knee. No serious adverse events linked to Arthrosamid® have been reported in studies. The most commonly reported side effects were injection related mild to moderate pain and or joint swelling, which were generally transient in nature.


Following treatment most patients typically experience a reduction in pain around 4 weeks, however clinical data shows it can take up to 12 weeks to get the maximum benefit.

The Arthrosamid® hydrogel has been researched and developed over 23 years. Over 1 Million hydrogel units have been injected into the body for various indications.

Arthrosamid® has been proven to be safe for intended use and is biocompatible which allows it to integrate with the tissues in your knee.

Following treatment it is recommended that you don’t drive for 24 hours after the injection. For the 2 weeks following the injection its recommend to reduce your activity level.

The hydrogel making up the injection will not degrade, and therefore will provide long-lasting relief. Studies have shown the reduction in pain to be maintained to 156 weeks.5

Arthrosamid can be used to treat patients with mild, moderate and severe arthritis and have been shown to respond well to treatment.

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    Mr James Young

    BSc (Hons) MBBS MRCS FRCS (Tr & Orth)

    Mr Young specialises in knee surgery including knee ligament injuries, cartilage & meniscal damage and painful arthritis.

    Having completed his specialist training in London he spent two years working in Brisbane, Australia with internationally renowned orthopaedic surgeons at two elite centres of excellence. This invaluable experience has allowed him to bring cutting edge advances to his Orthopaedic practice. He is now fellowship trained in state of the art Orthopaedic joint replacement surgery using both computer-assisted and robotically-assisted techniques, designed to improve implant position and accuracy. He spent a further year specialising in elite sports injury surgery treating professional athletes under the tutorship of Dr Peter Myers, one of the worlds pre-eminent sports knee surgeons.