Mr James Young
BSc (Hons) MBBS MRCS FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Mr Young specialises in knee surgery including knee ligament injuries, cartilage & meniscal damage and painful arthritis. He is based in Tunbridge Wells, Kent.
Having completed his specialist training in London he spent two years working in Brisbane, Australia with internationally renowned orthopaedic surgeons at two elite centres of excellence. This invaluable experience has allowed him to bring cutting edge advances to his Orthopaedic practice. He is now fellowship trained in state of the art Orthopaedic joint replacement surgery using both computer-assisted and robotically-assisted techniques, designed to improve implant position and accuracy. He spent a further year specialising in elite sports injury surgery treating professional athletes under the tutorship of Dr Peter Myers, one of the worlds pre-eminent sports knee surgeons.
Back in Feb 2019 Mr Young operated on me repairing my medial ligament. His colleague stitched together my patella tendon. I am a keen skier and Mr Young always had confidence that i would ski again. He referred me to Jonathan Hockey a local physio who helped me make great progress. This last ski season was excellent and my knee felt great
I am passionate about Orthopaedics and specifically knee surgery. My drive is to help you get back to your best and achieve your goals.
As a sportsman myself (though not quite at the same level these days) I understand the impact that sports injuries have, both physically and psychologically, and will give you the best and most current evidence-based and highly-personalised approach to getting over your injury and setting clear goals for your recovery.
Painful arthritis is extremely debilitating and affects us both physically and mentally. Arthritis, depending on its severity, can be treated without surgery and a structured programme specifically tailored to you will often be successful. When surgery is necessary then new technological advances in implant materials and design as well as significant improvements in surgical technique mean that we can plan your surgery with confidence. Rest assured that we will only ever suggest the use of the safest implants with the best evidence-based survival and outcome data.
– Mr James Young
Recent & Current Appointments
Maidstone, Tunbridge Wells & Sevenoaks Hospitals, Kent
Kent Institute of Medicine & Surgery (KIMS), Maidstone, Kent
The Nuffield Hospital, Tunbridge Wells
Teaching, Lectures and Publications
Sports knee lectures (ACL injuries, Meniscal repair and Meniscal Allograft Transplantation) both regionally and nationally
Invicta Club – Course convenor
Wrightington FRCS Orthopaedic Examination Course – invited faculty
In addition Mr Young has keen research interests in to ACL graft choice, paediatric ACL injuries, meniscal repair and meniscal allograft transplantation (MAT). He presents his work nationally and internationally at the major Orthopaedic meetings and continues to publish in peer-reviewed journals.

Conditions Treated
ACL Injuries
All other knee ligament injuries (PCL, MCL, LCL/PLC)
Meniscal tears
Meniscal Allograft Transplantation (MAT)
Cartilage damage
Sports Knee injuries
Knee Arthritis (partial replacement, total replacement and knee osteotomy)
Patella instability (dislocations)

FRCS (Tr & Orth) – The Royal College of Surgeons of England 2014
MRCS – The Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow 2004
MB BS – The University of London (Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine) 2000
BSc (Hons) – The University of London (Stanmore) 1999
Society Memberships